
Islamic Education is One of the Major Right of a Child

• Last Updated on November 14, 2024 @ 1:01 am by Islaminlife Admin

Children are a great blessing and those who have no children..

Children are undoubtedly a great blessing. If you look at a childless couple, it could be realized. Believers, of course, are satisfied with all the decree of Almighty Allah! This is mentioned in a hadith in such a way that every time a believer remembers this Hadith, whenever s/he remembers it, s/he will bow down more before Allah Subhanu wa Taala (Insha Allah)!

The affairs of a believer are (all) wonderful! Because there is good in everything for him, and this is exclusively his characteristic (i.e. of the believer). When he is happy in any situation, he expresses gratitude to Allah. When he is faced with a problem/or gets into any type of trouble, he is patient, i.e. he is steadfast on the command of Allah Almihgty. Even in this situation there is goodness for him. Muslim

Therefore, it is important to remember the fact that someone who does not have children now or is not likely to have any ever, it is very unfortunate for him to be totally disappointed with life, or become complaining by thinking Nawzubillah (may Allah protect) “Allah did not give me a child!”. Always be mindful that all that Allah does is good. This is an eternal truth. Allah Taala knows the best what is good, better and the best for whom. to be satisfied with His decree is the identity of a righteous servant.

Children is a Test 

Whoever is given whatever in this world, is a test for him. But in the verse, wealth and children are specifically referred to as ‘fitna’ or trial. This means, these things have been provided to us as tests. If we can utilize them on the right path, we can gain; otherwise, we would become loser by failing the test.

What should we Prioritize for our Child
Getting into today’ topic,  to whom Allah has gifted children, H has put them to the test by giving them children. One of the rights of their children from their parents is Islamic education and  to nurture a moral character. These two things i.e. Taleem and Tarbiyat of the children are incumbment upon the parents and guardians need to undertake.

On the Day of Judgment, we will be asked about the rights of our children. So today in the wordly life let us question ourselves: In  case my child is moving away from the path of Allah, is it so that I am responsible for it? If I have given him proper education then it is fine. But this education means the education that introduces my child to Allah Almighty and His Messenger ﷺ. If the school college university education curriculum has that teachings, then my child is attaining the rightious lesson there. But it should also be checked whether these institutions, besides Islamic lessons, are also teaching things  contrary to the teachings of Allah and His Messenger ﷺ? If so, I am actually failing to prepare my child for the Hereafter!

Check Yourself by Questioning
Think for a moment: How much time and effort do I spend on teaching the fundementals of faith (Imaan) and other essential topics of Islam to my child in proportion to the amount of planning and expending on worldly matters for him/her? How much pain and trouble do I endure to send him to school, college or a university? Do I make time at least five to ten minutes a day talking about Allah and His Messenger? Do I talk to my child about the afterlife? We eat with our beloved children, we talk to them about their progress in studies, we also talk to them about other needs. To what extent are they closer to Allah, His Messenger and the Hereafter? Let us examine and calculate how much we have given our children the urge and vibe to follow the path of Allah since  their childhood.

Those people are fortunate who are preparing their children as the wealth of the hereafter, MashaAllah. Such parents are making arrangements to teach their children the Holy Quran and trying this at their level best. These parents are teaching their chidlren the Sunnahs of the Beloved Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam. They teach their child the differences between halal and haram; not only in case of food but also in terms of earning and spending. They are introducing their chldiren to the pious scholars and arranging useful books that enlighten their Islamic knowledge. The true examplary Muslim guardians are not diverting their chidlren away from Allah making them busy with the world. Because such guardians think that I will leave this world anytime; the call of my death may come any moment. Maybe my death would approah when the child is elder or even much earlier. Their thought surround: At least I cannot arrange the education of the child on a way that displeases Allah. If I do so, what will be my state in the grave? What will I answer to Allah on the Day of Judgment?! They fear the ultimate result, indeed, they fear Allah.

When could I say that I tried my Best
A child who is taught the enlightened teachings of Islam, who is warned about the life of the Hereafter, hopefully the guardians of that child have been freed from their responsibilities. Allah Taala will not punish the servant if the result is different after trying the level best, Inshallah. However, it is important that we sould consult a wise pious scholar and take advice and guidance about our efforts pertaining to reforming our family like that of nurturing our children. Satisfied with your own intelligence and efforts, claiming that we have tried a lot, (and saying) now our children have grown up, I have nothing to do with their affairs! This isn’t an easy claim. Allah Taala knows best what ability and strength He has given to whom of His servant. Our own thoughts and decisions are often wrong. Allah forbid, just because of the pressure from other family members or society, we should never displease the Allah the Lord of the worlds!

A good child is a blessing in this worldly life, and a greater blessing in the hereafter! Just arranging an admission for the child at good school, college, university will be a very wrong decision as a Muslim. Whatever he does, he must know and tread the path of Allah. The thought of the hereafter must be raised with consciousness. My beloved child should be properly taught to be a good Muslim. Only then, inshAllah, he will be a means of perpetual charity for me (I will be rewarded for his good deeds forever even after death inshaAllah)! And for this purpose, I have to take shelter under the shade of Islam for his education and moral development. Islam has given the responsibility of parents from the very beginning of child birth, then continuously while rearing up the child. It is not limited to Azaan in the right ear and Iqamat in the left ear and jus giving a beautiful Muslim name. As the child grows, it is imperative to expose him to the kind of education that will be his lifelong capital. If the parents themselves are pious, then their shade and company is a great refuge for that child! And if not, the parents should seriously take advice and guidance in this matter from close devout Muslims. Among the devout Muslims, the Muttaqi class of individuals is foremost. Among them, the Pious Scholars are the best for providing guidance in all matters.

A big mistake we make today is, we get attracted just by the name of an Islamic school or cadet madrasa! We need to deeply think and take actions rightly to develop our children’s educationa and moral character. It is very important to sincerely supplicate i.e., do dua to Allah Taala for the child’s religious and worldly affairs. Allah Subhanu wa Taala sees our abilities and efforts! To become complacent by thinking or saying, I have appointed a good teacher for my child’s Islamic education, isn’t all. These days, only doing so is a matter of great self satifaction. We are very happy to narrow down the system that provides teachings the Words of Allah, i.e. the Quran! Do not expect that by doing this much only, we are fulfilling the children’s right of proividing them proper eduction. In case of buidling my child’s career and worldly development, we spend night and day. We sacrfice many things and undergo great hardship in view to make our child an engineer or a doctor. Who among us think and worry that we need to provide such education ot my chidl that will save my sweet beloved child from sins in the world and from the torment sof Afterlife?! It is explicit before our eyes that, when either the father or mather is trying to provide their child the righteous education, the other spouse often becomes an obstacle! Indeed, this is a very sad state of Muslim society today. As mentioned, it is in front of our eyes now. However, it is important, very important, I will try to live a holy and noble life myself, I will make my child as a means of my salvation inshaAllah. Let never so happen that, in my absence, let him indulge in sins and put him and me in great danger, the danger that will begin in this world and will be eternal in the hereafter! We seek Allah’s refuge.

How will complaints be raised against parents, guardians, mentors in the hereafter
Note the words of Allah Ta’ala:

يَوْمَ تُقَلَّبُ وُجُوهُهُمْ فِي النَّارِ يَقُولُونَ يَا لَيْتَنَا أَطَعْنَا اللَّهَ وَأَطَعْنَا الرَّسُولَا- وَقَالُوا رَبَّنَا إِنَّا أَطَعْنَا سَادَتَنَا وَكُبَرَاءنَا فَأَضَلُّونَا السَّبِيلَا- رَبَّنَا آتِهِمْ ضِعْفَيْنِ مِنَ الْعَذَابِ وَالْعَنْهُمْ لَعْنًا كَبِيرًا

On the day their faces will be turned upside down in the fire; On that day they will say, Alas. If only we obeyed Allah and obeyed the Messenger. They will also say, Our Lord, we obeyed our leaders and elders, then they led us astray. O our Lord! Punish them twice and curse them with a great curse. Surah Ahzaab: 66-68

Think about your consequences  today. Think and act accordingly. Our life is coming to an end. May Allah grant us the rightioous Taufeeq. amen


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