StoriesSahaba رضي الله عنه

Follow the Sahaba رضي الله عنهم

• Last Updated on July 25, 2024 @ 6:10 am by Islaminlife Admin

To achieve something one has to forgo something. If one makes the afterlife the objective, one’s objective is no more this world. A person who has made firm intention to attain eternal success would thus embrace the troubles and pains of worldly life with forbearance. He knows that all these troubles, pains and adversaries are happenings of temporary life. He knows that this is worldly life is for a test. Within this period it is checked out – who chooses what(?). No one wise would forgo eternal in lieu of transient.

A Muslim’s ideal is beloved Nabi ﷺ and his Noble Companions – the Sahaba (RA). They also were men and women like us. They also lived in this world. They had food. They had fun. They experienced summer, winter and rain. Troubles, ailments and dangers also encompassed their lives. They also had love, affection, hope, fear and anger. However, no doubt that the Sahaba (RA) are the chosen Jamaat from this final Ummah. Their lifestyle is the exemplary way of life for the whole Ummah. They have demonstrated sincerest hardship and sacrifice for Deen. They are indeed the ones who followed Muhammad ﷺ directly, i.e. by seeing with their own eyes at the state of Iman, which itself is incomparable to any other deeds.

Think for a while, till the last day of this world, there will be not a single person who could be a match to any of them.

One story to guide us and to take lesson from Hayatus Sahaba (RA):

Sayiduna Muhammad Ibne Sabit Ibne Kayes Ibne Simas (RA) said, “On the day of Banu Kurayza war an Ansari Sahabi named Khallad (RA) got martyred. His mother was sent the message. Someone said to her, “O Umme Khallad! Khallad has got martyred.” Umme Khallad (RA) got out wearing her Niqab. Someone astonishingly said to her, “In such worry and trouble you wear the niqab, i.e. you hadn’t left it out!” She answered, “I lost Khallad, but not my shame.” Hayatus Sahaba (RA)

How easily today in worldly situations our Iman becomes weak and we become relaxed and negligence in good deeds. At those moments of sluggishness toward good actions we should exert force against our nafs. A Muslim must pass each and every day by pondering on his life – his deeds and doings, his lifestyle and his relation with Allah Taala and His Rasool ﷺ. For this reason, reading the life of the Sahaba (RA) is a must.

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