StoriesPious رحمه الله

Story of a Pious Woman

• Last Updated on July 25, 2024 @ 7:53 am by Islaminlife Admin

Hakeem- ul-Ummah Shaikh Ashraf Ali Thanvi Rahimahullah has taken initiative at his time to publish such incidents of our pious predecessors and a book had been compiled of thousand real stories. These stories touch the heart of the readers, make them feel the Love of Allah Taala and inspire them to make efforts on the Path of Allah Taala. Shaikh Ashraf Ali Thanvi Rahimahullah stated that he believes that the person who would read these stories sincerely, will (InshaAllah) become the Aashiq (Beloved) of Allah Taala. May Allah Taala provide us His Love! From that invaluable collection here is a story:

One spiritual aspirant connected to Shaikh Siri Saqti Rahimahullah mentions, there was a woman mureed of Shaikh Rahimahullah who had a son of young age. Her son used to study under a teacher. The teacher once sent the boy near the river to accomplish a task. Accidentally, the boy drowned into the river. The teacher was informed of the accident and he informed it to Shaikh Siri Saqti Rahimahullah. Shaikh Rahimahullah called the woman and advised her to have patience on her son’s loss; Shaikh told her to be satisfied with whatever had happened by the will and decree of Allah Taala. The woman became very surprised. She said, “It is impossible, such could not have happened, water could not have drowned my son!” Shaikh Rahimahullah ensured her of the accident and consoled her, but she ignored this report and said, “Well if your information is true, take me to the spot, where it had happened.”

She was taken to the spot of the accident. The woman addressed her son by raising her hands, “O Muhammad!” Instantly from the water her son replied, “Yes mother! I’m here!” The woman walked into the water, brought her son back and returned home.

Shaikh Siri Saqti Rahimahullah mentioned this incident to Shaikh Junaid Baghdadi Rahimahullah. Shaikh Junaid Baghdadi Rahimahullah unveiled the mystery. He said, “That woman is indeed a pious servant of Allah Taala. For her piety, she had attained such a bounty from Allah Taala that prior to the occurrence of any adverse incident she is informed of it beforehand. This incident of her son had not been informed to her before the occurrence. And it is, for this reason, she denied it (and Allah Taala had returned her son). Indeed, this was due to an extraordinary relationship between her and Allah Taala.

3 thoughts on “Story of a Pious Woman

  • mashallah saints of Allah are all over but no one knows

  • What is the book called please?

    • In Urdu it is probably: Rawz-ur-Riyaheen (Nuzhat-ul-Basateen By Shaykh Yafaee Yamini Rahimahullah)


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