Scattered Pearls

Selected Saying of Hakeemul Ummah رحمه الله

• Last Updated on December 25, 2019 @ 7:07 am by Islaminlife Admin

Do not lag behind in accomplishing good deeds

If there is interest and enthusiasm in us for performing good deed then it is possible for us to accomplish it. Even if you don’t find any interest in performing good deed start doing it, gradually interest and enthusiasm would boost up and this is how carrying out good deeds becomes easier. Whenever our Murshid (Spiritual Mentor) asks us to do something, we should obey it. “We are unable to pay attention… ” – is a lame excuse. Time is wasted by neglecting to perform our duties.

The Two Types of Deceptions

If our mind desires to accomplish a particular sin several times, then it is an intrigue of the nafs. And if in the mind different evil advice pop up that is considered to be the stratagem of satan. Because the desire of nafs is self-satisfaction and satan’s goal is to always indulge us in sins.

Aimless life

Those who have aims of life, they lead a promising and prosperous life. They don’t have much suspicion and hesitation in life. On the other hand, people who have thousands of questions and possess doubts and suspicions, lead an aimless life and they don’t have an intention to do anything fruitful.

When the Sahabas (RA) would hear Rasulullah (SM) saying something, they would rush to apply it. They would never ask questions such as: What? and Why? They thought and believed it is unnecessary to ask such questions. Indeed, the fear of Allah Taala, the desire of Jannah and deep love and obedience towards Rasulullah (SM) made it possible for the Sahabas (RA) to build up an eventful and active life.

Ulama and Sufi

Comparing Ulama with Sufi, Shaikh Thanvi (R) gave more importance to the former, in respect of the society. Because Ulama are the frontiers for the whole society. For this reason, he liked the participation of Ulama in daily activities rather than being isolated from society. He would think that Ulama should lead their life for spreading knowledge, counsel people giving proper advice and serve the society through writings. This comment of Thanvi (R) was indeed an opinion in terms of duty and responsibility towards society. Certainly, he possessed great respect towards the Sufis and Sufism (and that was also limited strictly to the Shariah).

How should we perform Ibadat

The friends of Allah Taala, pious people never exposed their deeds for showing the people, nor did they expose it for any foul purpose. Rather some saints would perform deeds in such ways so that none but only Allah Taala could know. Some used to accomplish such tasks in front of the public, which were outwardly regarded as a sin and unruly. However, in reality, those were not sins. Through these tasks, they intended not to be popular in public.

In Thanvi (R)’s opinion, mid-standard must be followed in the case of performing Ibadat. Everyone should engage in own task and none should pay much attention to exposure and hiding an Ibadat.

Learn to hate sins, not the sinner

Those who disobey and violate the rules of Allah Taala must be punished by us, and we should express hatred towards their sins. Simultaneously, we must eradicate arrogance from us and express politeness and courtesy towards people. Naturally, the question arises – how can these two very opposite things be developed? An example would clarify it. If there is a verdict against a prince and he has to face death penalty, the executioner will never think that he is more respectful than the prince. As we all know that in respect of status, it is not possible for an executioner to become equal to a prince. However, the executioner has to perform his duty. He has to punish the prince according to the verdict (as the prince has been found guilty). Today, in the same way, we also tell off and scold people for their sins. It is possible (Allah Taala may forbid!) – any time we will commit such sins! In the court of this world today I am blaming and proving others to be guilty for their deeds, but for my wrongdoings, I might be caught and punished even more severely by Allah Taala as a greater sinner in the afterlife. Therefore, animosity and hatred should not be towards people, rather against sins.

Such freedom is a right

For having food, Shaikh Thanvi (R) did not like gathering people from different classes together. Because, in such an environment, people only try to comply with formalities. Each gets trapped in the jail of formalities and loses self freedom. Shaikh Thanvi (R) would always assure his freedom beforehand, whenever he had been invited somewhere. Because, in this way, he would not have to do anything unwillingly.

Why today less eating and sleeping are not welcomed

Eating less and sleeping less are very important tasks (in terms of sacrifice), which are found in the Spiritual Aspirant’s syllabus of training. This is not exactly any law imposed by Islam and nor it is the purpose or goal. Rather by undergoing such training, it is Inshallah possible to control the nafs or vices of oneself, and gaining control over the nafs.

The former people were physically strong and their nafs also had more ability. So they had to undergo training of less eating and sleeping. People today, are very weak. Today eating less and sleeping less are not found effective. To gain the strength of the soul, would it be wise to lose the physical strength?

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