
Essential ToDos in Ramadan

• Last Updated on March 2, 2025 @ 3:06 am by Islaminlife Admin

In Ramadan, everyone thinks about and plans to increase good deeds. Every Mu’min (believer) wishes not to let this month pass by negligently. Therefore, here are some essential points:

– Increase efforts to enhance Taqwa (Allah’s consciousness) in all aspects of life. Whether in personal life (when we are alone), with family, at the office, on the street, in the market, and especially in the Masjid—try to avoid sins everywhere. This is Taqwa. Even if we cannot fully give up sins all together, we must at least make the effort. It’s crucial to continue trying.

– Just as repentance and seeking forgiveness (Tawba and Istighfar) are necessary throughout the year, they are even more important in Ramadan. For a person who sincerely repents from sin, it becomes easier to attain Taqwa (avoiding sins in the Fear of Allah Almighty).

– Ramadan is the month in which the Holy Quran was revealed. The more we recite the Quran, the more mercy, blessings, and forgiveness we can hope for! Through the recitation of the Holy Quran, one can gain closeness to Allah and become His Beloved/Friend! If we pay special attention to the Quran in Ramadan, we will develop a lasting connection with it throughout the year, and it will inspire us to both recite and act upon the teachings of Quran, InshaAllah.

– To worship more beautifully and with good health, we should take care of our physical well-being, especially during Ramadan. This is because many people experience changes in their eating habits, menu items, and food intake portion/sizes. Those who follow a disciplined health regimen find it easier to accomplish Ibadat (worship) and perform good deeds. Those of us who still couldn’t achieve this, could at least become a bit cautious! Overeating is a bad habit. With a full stomach and fatigue, even obligatory prayers aren’t performed properly, and no doubt that Taraweeh becomes more challenging. The correct approach is to eat with the intention of worshipping Allah. To benefit from the mercy and blessings of Ramadan’s fasts, it is essential to avoid overeating. Islam places great importance on this! In fact, maintaining disciplined eating habits is crucial throughout life for doing Allah’s Ibadat. And not to forget, eating itself is too a very important Ibadat! We can practice this discipline during Ramadan!

– We should strive to be kinder and more patient with others. This includes good manners, giving charity, and feeding the orphans, poor, and needy. It is essential to maintain balanced and good relationships with family members, neighbors, relatives, friends, and even enemies. Ramadan teaches comprehensive self-restraint.

– We should increase our supplications (du’a) and remembrance of Allah (dhikr). Compared to the rest of the year, more time should be dedicated to du’a (supplication) and dhikr during Ramadan. In between tasks, saying “SubhanAllah,” “Alhamdulillah,” “La ilaha illallah,” “Allahu Akbar,” “Subhanallahi wa bihamdihi Subhanallahil Azeem,” short blessings upon the Prophet, and simple phrases of repentance are so easy! We can arrange reminders. For example, if someone at home recites something aloud once, it can prompt others to join in. Special care should be taken not to miss making du’a after the obligatory (Fardh) prayers, during iftar, and at the time of suhoor/sahri.

– One should dedicate the entire life, and especially the blessed month of Ramadan, to seeking mercy and forgiveness of Allah Almighty. The last ten days of Ramadan, in particular, should be spent in even more Ibadat (worship)! In these blessed ten days, one must strive to renew their life by seeking forgiveness. Life will certainly come to an end one day. People will offer my funeral prayer and bury me. I will have to stand before Allah. Shouldn’t such thoughts make us turn more toward Allah now (when we have the opportunity)?!

O Allah, grant us the ability to do this (Aameen).

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