
Become more Aware in the Last Ten Nights

• Last Updated on March 19, 2025 @ 8:25 pm by Islaminlife Admin

Try to make the most of the remaining nights and days of Ramadan by accomplishing good actions to the best of your ability, and keep the best opinion about Allah. If there are challenges in life, such as illness (whether your own or a close one’s), hardships, or any other issues (that are beyond your control), it’s okay if you can’t carry on much supererogatory acts of worship, as long as you keep away sins. And if a sin occurs, repent immediately. The most important thing for everyone is to stay away from sin, and if we fall into sin, we must repent right away. It’s essential to keep trying to present ourselves pure and clean before Allah at all times.

Since the last ten days of Ramadan are the most significant, neglect or carelessness during this time is truly unfortunate! In Hadith, there is a clear warning about those who fail to attain forgiveness during Ramadan and those who are completely deprived of Lailatul Qadr—may Allah protect us!

In the upcoming nights (right after iftar), we will, InshaAllah, try to direct ourselves even more toward Allah Almighty. For those of us not performing i’tikaf, who are weak or unable to do a lot of Ibadat (worship), let’s at least dedicate ourselves to extra prayers, reciting the Quran, Tasbih, and Dua (making supplication) from Maghrib until Isha, and again for some time after Isha and Taraweeh. Then, if necessary, we can rest a little and wake up earlier for Suhoor, engaging in extra prayers, Quran recitation, Tasbih, and Dua (supplications) during this time as well, to the best of our ability. Men should be especially diligent in praying Fajr and Isha in congregation, which is important all year round.

Ramadan will pass, but the opportunities for mercy, blessings, forgiveness, and salvation it brings are everlasting! With a little effort, it is possible to achieve eternal success. Yes, we, the servants, are weak, but our Lord is infinitely Merciful! No matter how big our sins are, and how little are our efforts, when we continue to repent sincerely and strive to do good, and when we raise our hands and bow our heads in submission to Allah, He will draw us closer to Him and forgive us (this is His promise)! We have the opportunity to turn to Him until death, and in Ramadan, this is even easier! This will, InshaAllah, bring positive changes to our lives, and the blessings of turning to Allah in Ramadan will be felt throughout our remaining life in this world. And in the Hereafter, there are eternal rewards for the believers!

O Allah, make it easy for us to attain all the goodness, including Lailatul Qadr! Aameen.

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