Iman-AqeedaIbadatCulture & Occasions

Lailatun Nisfe min Shaban or Lailatul Baraat

• Last Updated on February 25, 2024 @ 9:09 am by Islaminlife Admin

Lailatun-Nisfe Min Sha’ban (Mid or the 15th Sha’ban Night) – it is also known as Lailatul Baraat or Shab-e-Baraat in some regions. The significance of this night is proved by Hadith. However, it is inappropriate to consider the status of this night as high as Lailatul Qadr (Night of Revelation of the Holy Quran).

Actions for this Night

– Repent sincerely (Do pure Tauba) and ask for forgiveness to Allah Almighty

– Perform as much Nafl (supererogatory) actions as possible [not in any specific/special manner or order. One may say Nafl prayer in two rakahs – which is easy and possible, recitation of the Holy Quran, Tasbeeh-Zikr, send salutations to the Beloved Prophet ﷺ, and engage in supplication (Dua)]

– Cleanse one’s heart from polytheism and return towards Tauheed (Oneness of Allah – worshipping none but only Him) and also cleanse one’s heart from malice, hatred and jealousy and towards unity and harmony with relatives, neighbors, friends and associates.

Where should one worship (in this night)
The best place for Nafl worship is our home. One should say Nafl in one’s house without disturbing others.

A Narration and Guidance related to it
Regarding a narration related to the provision for next year and death of people – Allah Almighty gives the authorized Angels lists or information pertaining to these in this night – (while explaining it) Mufti Taqi Uthmani damat barakatuhum said: Yes indeed, there is a such narration, which is relatively quite weak. But since there is one such narration, let us pray in this night for the abundance of our sustenance or provision.

If one denies the Significance of this Night
And those who say that Shab-e-Barat is a bid’at or it has absolutely no basis in the Shariah and so on – we should not engage in any kind of argument with them. If the pious Scholars relate anything in this context – general people should completely refrain from creating arguments or quarrels for or against the matter by making it (the Scholar’s opinion or explanations) a medium.

What (almost) Everyone knows
Everyone already knows and understands that things like: lighting firecrackers, making or distributing halua-ruti (malpractices in South-Asian regions), worshiping in special ways, making it incumbent to attend Masjids and graveyards at night – all such actions are contrary to Shariah. To refrain from such things have been warned a long time ago. But it must be remembered that, for the reason that a class of people engaging in wrongful activities, Ibadat (worshipping) in this night doesn’t become Bida’t. This night’s virtue and ibadat (worship) has been proven by Shariah. Therefore, to believe, say and preach the opposite would certainly be dangerous!

Final Words
However, dire are the consequences of someone trying to oppose the truth by creating chaos. On the other hand, forbidding the wrong in an ill manner is also never the Sunnah way! For this reason, we request all to read the writings in this context of our Elder and eminent Pious Scholar Shaikh Abdul Malek damat barakatuhum published in monthly Al Kawsar.

May Allah protect us all. Aameen

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