IbadatHajj & Qurbani

Let our Hajj be worthy to be Accepted and Impactful

• Last Updated on June 20, 2023 @ 2:40 pm by Islaminlife Admin

وَلِلّهِ عَلَى النَّاسِ حِجُّ الْبَيْتِ مَنِ اسْتَطَاعَ إِلَيْهِ سَبِيلاً وَمَن كَفَرَ فَإِنَّ الله غَنِيٌّ عَنِ الْعَالَمِينَ

Meaning: Pilgrimage to this House is an obligation by Allah upon whoever is able among the people.1 And whoever disbelieves, then surely Allah is not in need of ˹any of His˺ creation. Sura Ale Imran: 97

Point to reflect on and understand

Accomplishing Hajj is a highly fortunate action! However, we know that any worship wouldn’t be beneficial if not rendered in the right way. Sometimes such happens that we lead to acquire a loss for ourselves by pursuing the wrong way in a worship. Some among us are completely unaware of it throughout our life. Some are completely carefree regarding it! How unfortuante it is that the worship of Allah Almighty is performed neglecting the knowledge of correct way and being complacent by firmly holding the notion or belief that I have rendered so and so worship! Due to the development of the press and media, general Muslims are almost abandoning the interactions with the pious scholars. Many of us are satisfied by reading books or watching videos about Hajj and Umrah and taking instructions only from those. The ditremental effect is aggravting. So first of all, take note very well that if we intend to do Hajj or any worship, we should do it by knowing the right instructions and issues from the scholars. Insha’Allah, only then can we hope for the acceptance of worship. Then it can be said, I have tried, Allah is the owner of acceptance.

What Does Hajj teach

The main teaching of Hajj is Tawheed, the affirmation of full faith in the Oneness of Allah Almighty and living a life accordingly. When the servant obeys Allah Almighty fully, then Tawheed will fully blossom in the servant’s life. And complete obedience is not justified without ‘giving up’ everything for Allah. Sacrifice for Allah Ta’ala proves that the obedience is pure or pure. Such pure obedience determines the love of Allah. By gaining the closeness of Lord Sumhan, the servant gets great success in this world and the hereafter!

Prophet Ibraheem Alaihis Salaam set an example of the belief of oneness of Allah Almighty and Sacrifice

The life of Prophet Ibrahim alaihis salaam has set a unique example of monotheism, obedience and sacrifice. He is Allah’s ‘Khaleel’ — close friend; He has proved it through actions. He has manifested in word and deed how to attain true Qurb or nearness to Allah Almihgty. How pure was his love for Allah and how sweet and good will be the fruit of those who will walk on the same path! Allah Almighty has made it possible for us to achieve it by bestowing the rules of Hajj to this Ummah! Alhamdulillah. This blessing is undoubtedly unparrellel!

Indeed, Allah Almighty is Besought of all; it is because of His command that we have attained such great fortune. If we express gratitude a billion times, it will be very little!

The final Prophet ﷺ and his Ummah have been more blessed to have received the command and rituals of Hajj

On one hand, Allah Almighty has accepted the prayer of Ibraheem by sending the Mercy to the Worlds (Rahmatullil Alameen) i.e. our beloved Prophet ﷺ, in the family of Prophet Ibraheem alaihis salaam. On the other hand, Allah Almighty has continued the blessing of embracing Tawheed, leading life on the basis of Tawheed, practicing sacrifice through the actions of the best Messenger and his distinctive Ummah. Alhamdulillah!

Through Hajj and Qurbani, the final Ummah expresses the worship and love of Allah in the best ideology — that is of Ibrahim alaihis salaam. Our beloved Prophet ﷺ was sent to this world to maintain this ideology till the end of the world. Allah has perfected the religion through him (ﷺ). Imaan i.e. faith (in Allah and all His commandments), obedience, sacrifice and suffering only for the sake of Allah Almighty only for His pleasure, and for none — this Aqeeda (fundamental belief) will be fulfilled visibly and sincerely by performing sincere Hajj, for those who can afford or capable of, Hajj has been set as obligatory (for them).

Proximity to Allah is attained through Hajj 

The commandments of Hajj teach the servant ultimate faith and worship to Allah. The servant obeys Allah Almighty throughout his life; on what premise and how — Hajj highlights and exhibits it clearly. Hajj is about reaching Allah, i.e. attracting His eternal love. There is nothing greater in the life of a believer than this!

How Prophet Ibrahim alaihis salaam was ready to sacrifice his life for the cause of Allah, how deep and self-sacrificing was his love for Allah — how insignificant his wife and children and his own life could be for Allah — this fact is reminded to us by the rituals of Hajj again and again! Comparing to other worships, the rituals and rulings of Hajj are completely different. A journey is undertaken exclusively for attaining Allah’s proximity, how yearning would be the believer’s desire to obey Allah, Hajj as though is the total reflection of that!

How we perform our Hajj; Why are we far from Allah despite accomplishing Hajj

The major concern is that instead of attaining the proximity to Allah, today we are moving away from Allah’s path! The main reason for this is the love of the world, extreme ignorance about Islam.

Contemplate! We have a short life in this world. The main goal is to please Allah. When He gave us such an opportunity: Come My servant, come to the Kaaba, my house. Wearing two pieces of cloth, uttering  Labbaik Allahumma Labbaik (O Allah! I am present!), (soon) some day you will indeed leave the world and return to me, therefore, come to me and prepare yourself.

We get the Tawfeeq of Hajj from Allah Almighty. But woe to us! During Hajj, most of us forget the Almighty Deity in the Holy Kaaba, at Mina, Arafa, Muzdalifah!! At present, due to the digital age, snapping pictures has taken a much more dire shape. Our heart tremble even to discuss i further(!)

The real preparation for Hajj

Let us go to Hajj-Umrah, visit the holy places and sanctify our life! Before going there, make pure repentance from sins. Let’s go there with the determination to refrain from all unnecessary actions and sins, InshaAllah.

If we seriously make this intention to improve ourselves, is it not possible!?

A scholar, or at least a devout Muslim brother — someone whom you love only for the sake of Allah, and when you see him, the person reminds you of Allah, attract you to the Hereafter, choose him and become his partner for Hajj or Umrah. InshAllah then you will be able to realize the blessings of Allah’s house to some extent! InshaAllah, the holy visit will have a positive impact on your whole life.

If we can make postive changes to our life by doing Hajj, that is, we try our best to direct our faith and deeds in obedience to Allah, then we would percieve that our Hajj although cannot be equal to the noble sacrifice of Ibrahim Alaihis Salam, but it would be a some far rough copy of it — an effort to follow! Allah Almighty sees our thirst, aim and effort. He wants to forgive us under any pretext! O Allah, grant all of us the Tawfeeq to perform at least one such Hajj, which pleases You. (Aameen)

The opportunity of the best Prophet’s best Ummah

We are the Umah of Saiyedul Mursaleen, the Leader of the Prophets, Muhammad ﷺ. Our Prophet (ﷺ) is the best, his Ummah is also the best. To be the best we have to act the best! The previous Prophets had initiated the good deeds. Through our beloved Prophet ﷺ, on one hand, those actions have been brought to its complete and best shape, and on the other hand, they will continue to be so till the end of this world. The Prophet ﷺ had passed away from this world forever after imparting to his Ummah the perfect teaching of the best of good deeds. Now he who would follow that path will be successful, he will be able to attain the position of the best Ummah and that is a matter of great fortune.

Following the ideologies of Ibrahim alaihis salam in Hajj, which we have received from the Beloved Prophet ﷺ as irrevocable rules or Islamic law, was manifested by the Beloved Prophet himself by performing Hajj. We should value it. When Hajj would be performed bearing its teaching and rulings, only then it would be possible to value it. If Hajj becomes a journey of eating, drinking, walking around and taking pictures like any other trips, then a believer should ask himself, “What kind of Hajj is this?!”

May Allah grant us all Hajj-e-Mabrur (accepted Hajj)! Aameen

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