Akhlaq-Self ReformationFood for Thought

Adopting a Good Companion – 1

• Last Updated on October 9, 2024 @ 5:16 am by Islaminlife Admin

A good company is one of the most precious means that ease our difficulties in the world and Afterlife.

No doubt, it is Allah Almighty Who ultimately blesses His servant and thereafter one treads the righteous path. Bestowing success through good companions is Allah Almighty’s Sunnah – His way to provide special favors to His servants. That is, the one who chooses a good company is successful because of accepting “the best practice of obtaining special favors” from Allah Almighty. To provide evidence in favor of this anecdote, the best example are the great companions of our Beloved Prophet ﷺ. Blessed with the best companionship of Beloved Prophet ﷺ, they are the best bondsmen of Allah among the whole Ummah! Among all the group of companions of all Prophets, no doubt, the Sahaba Radi Allahu anhu are the best. No doubt, the fortunate blessed company of Beloved Prophet ﷺ has presented them with this great honor in the world and Afterlife.

The rest of the Ummah of the Prophet ﷺ — all are eternally indebted to the Without having love, respect and accepting divine knowledge from the Holy Companions Radi Allahu Anhum, attaining the love, respect and following the Prophet ﷺ had never been possible for us! At the very outset, we have got the clear identity and knowledge of our Beloved Prophet through His Sahaba. No doubt, it is the blessed companionship of the Prophet ﷺ that took the Sahaba (the holy companions) to the highest peak of Ikhlas, Taqwa, Juh’d and Akhlaq.

A good companion is a valuable asset. Even today, whoever may adopt a better partner (InshaAllah) will be more blessed in this world and the Afterlife! True, only a good partner is not enough. Each has to accomplish his own actions. However, it is undeniable that if one’s partner is good and honest, one’s reformation, development, success eases in all activities. Not only in the world, but in Ibadat (worship) and all through. As a result, it becomes easier to achieve the eternal success of Afterlife! The poet says,

If you pursue

Diamond, silver, gold

You will recognize it

And be able to

Discover the priceless treasure!

One of the favors that an individual with an aim to be truly successful is looking for is, a good company. The poet then says,

If you crave for the world,

You might get it, but it’s all fake!

Abandoning the genuine

One who grasps so

Is a madman.  

If one’s associate is not honest

The pain is unbearable!

(That is) O traveler! If you are craving only the world, even if you come out successful discovering diamonds, precious stones, and gold, you (indeed) will collect fake things from the world (the poet addressed the people who has made this world their purpose — only after the riches, because they are fully devoid of true knowledge and fall prey to this worldly life that will end soon!). One of the major reasons for this consequence is that, you do not value and cherish good associates. You have not found someone honest enough to make you recognize the real wealth of the world. Therefore say, how immense and invaluable a blessing is that – a good company or honest friend!?

A good company in the life of a Muslim is a great asset; only an intelligent person can understand if he contemplates a little!

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