Reading Biography of Pious can equally be Beneficial
A spiritual aspirant (Mureed) wrote this question in a letter to Hakeemul Ummah Mawlana Ashraf Ali Thanvi (R). Following the
Read MoreA spiritual aspirant (Mureed) wrote this question in a letter to Hakeemul Ummah Mawlana Ashraf Ali Thanvi (R). Following the
Read MoreAs a Muslim it is quite natural that every day you remember death. You think of the very reality that
Read MoreDoes the dead recognize and listen to the visitor of his grave? When a person who is alive visits the
Read MoreOne man asked Shaikh Abu Ishaq Fazari (R), “Would a shroud-thief *(a person who steals burial garment) be forgiven?” He
Read MoreWe, the Muslims believe it and hold firm faith that right after death starts the transitory life of Alam-e-Barzakh, the life
Read MoreUlama had stated four reasons for ill fated death, i.e. distressful ending of human life. Those are: 1. Slothfulness in
Read MoreUnderstand one point very clearly: if you are in trouble, if you think you are in big trouble may it
Read MoreThis world is the place where we have been sent for test. We are being testified by Allah Taala minutely.
Read MoreProximity of Allah Taala or Nisbat is a special blessing; no doubt, it is something every Muslim highly desire for. The truly
Read MoreAn appeal to everyone is, read the life of the Final Messenger. Think over and ruminate on the various aspects of
Read MorePious people always maintain a balance in life. They do not inconsistently decide their tasks. They do not get carried
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