Virtues of Controlling the Tongue
• Last Updated on February 20, 2017 @ 9:50 am by Islaminlife Admin
The Tongue is a small limb in our body. But its worth is known to all. Look at a person who cannot speak! We can realize by seeing him what he is missing and what we “have”.
However, if this Allah-provided-machine is misused, there is great danger. Very few among us could realize its correct use. We keep on making comments and expressing ideas through the tongue very abruptly. The outcome of misuse of the tongue has a long negative impact. History bears witness how millions and billions of relation have been affected only by wrongly applying the tongue. How many battles have been fought, how many cases have been filed, how many mischief have befallen — those are countless! On the other hand, no doubt, the correct use of tongue had its positive effect too.
Wise men would always maintain a balance in using his tongue. Often it is silence that brings in the solution. Often there is situation when the tongue is the best weapon and therefore it is required to use. Often there is a subtle difference; a very few of words will be sufficient but a little more would make things risky.
In most cases it is useful and virtuous to control the tongue and limit its use. In general, the less we talk, the safer it is. Indeed, keeping silence is the best in most situations.
Here are a few invaluable quotes in this regard:
Hazrat Abdullah Ibne Umar (RA) informs, Beloved Rasulullah ﷺ has said (meaning), It is silence that results in release.
Beloved Rasullah ﷺ has said (meaning): The person who would control his tongue, would be able to conceal his faults.
Hazrat Ali (RA) informs, Beloved Rasullah ﷺ has said (meaning): Among the beauties of Islam one is to abstain from unnecessary talks.
Hazrat Abdullah ibne Abbas (RA) said (meaning): Sources of peace could be divided into ten parts. Among them nine is from silence and one is from solitude.
Fuzayel ibne Ayaz (R) said (meaning): A Mu’min (believer) speaks little but accomplishes more good-deeds; on the other hand, a hypocrite talks more but accomplishes fewer good-deeds.
Some wise man said, We have been given two ears and one mouth. That is to listen more and speak less.
We should ponder on our state. What do we do? How much times have we wasted speaking for nothing? How many words have been spoken against people (backbiting etc.) by us? How many times have we spoken and regretted? How many words expressed by this tongue have fetched only worries?
Hazrat Umar (RA) said, “People who make fun and crack jokes (unnecessarily and very often) lose their personality.”
Remember my friend! This tongue is that piece of flesh in our body which could easily be used for the “greatest of deeds”, about which the Holy Qur’an announces (meaning): “O the Believers! Remember Allah Taala in abundance.”
May our tongue be abstained from unnecessary talks and sinful words. May we start reciting the Qur’an in abundance, utter Durood Shareef more and more, engage in Tasbih, Tahleel, Tahmeed and Istegfar as much as possible. And seek more and more the Support and assistance of Allah Taala through Dua or supplication.