Akhlaq-Self Reformation

Is Your Tawba Pure

• Last Updated on February 20, 2017 @ 9:30 am by Islaminlife Admin

Indeed, Tawba is the Treatment of our ailing heart.
Have you ever thought whether your Tawba Sincere or not?

Allah Taala gave the vivid answer to this question: See Sura Nahl: 119. He says there (Meaning):

Those who ignorantly committed sin then did Tawba and corrected their Deeds; Verily your Lord is is Very Merciful and Kind after Tawba and Reformation.

The point: ‘corrected their Deeds’ is the condition of Pure Tawba. If one has committed sins and sincerely repented, the sign of his repentance will be definitely in this Deeds; he will be caring about his correction and reformation.

O Allah! We are your slaves. Indeed, we are very weak. We want to reform. We want to return to Your Path – Be steadfast! Please guide us. Keep us steadfast on Your Path with Sincerity and Grant us Pure Tawba! Ameen

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